For Ground Control Go-anywhere Pro Service Subscribers
Go-anywhere Pro Standard and Non-Standard Calling Rates
Standard Go-anywhere Pro Calling Rates - All Plans
Service Type:
Phone Charges
Calling ANY standard landline phone or cell phone anywhere in the world. Incoming calls are free, however cost is burdened on the calling party.
£0.79 per minute
Optional service is free to activate. The cost to check voicemail is all that will be charged.
£0.79 per minute
Faxing to ANY standard fax anywhere in the world. Incoming Faxes are free, however cost is burdened on the calling party.
£0.79 per minute
SMS Text | Instant Messaging
Optional service is free to activate. Send up to 160 characters with built in Instant Messaging. Incoming messages are free.
£0.40 per message
Static IP address | Optional Service
Request and assign a Static IP address for a Go-anywhere Pro Sim Card.
£20.00 a month
ISDN capable devices can communicate through the Go-anywhere Pro terminal. This 64K service is charged on per minute basis.
£6.00 per minute
ISDN to Inmarsat B, HSD, GAN, Fleet, Swift, Swift HSD
Using ISDN capable devices to communicate with these other satellite phone services.
£15.70 per minute
Service Type:
Phone Charges
Calling ANY standard landline phone or cell phone anywhere in the world. Incoming calls are free, however cost is burdened on the calling party.
$0.99 per minute
Optional service is free to activate. The cost to check voicemail is all that will be charged.
$0.99 per minute
Faxing to ANY standard fax anywhere in the world. Incoming Faxes are free, however cost is burdened on the calling party.
$0.99 per minute
SMS Text | Instant Messaging
Optional service is free to activate. Send up to 160 characters with built in Instant Messaging. Incoming messages are free.
$0.50 per message
Static IP address | Optional Service
Request and assign a Static IP address for a Go-anywhere Pro Sim Card.
$25 a month
ISDN capable devices can communicate through the Go-anywhere Pro terminal. This 64K service is charged on per minute basis.
$7.61 per minute
ISDN to Inmarsat B, HSD, GAN, Fleet, Swift, Swift HSD
Using ISDN capable devices to communicate with these other satellite phone services.
$20.00 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro Non-Standard Calling Rates - All Plans
Service Type:
Go-anywhere Pro to Go-anywhere Pro Phone
Call another Go-anywhere Pro terminal from your Go-anywhere Pro phone
£0.51 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to FleetBroadband
Calling a FleetBroadband phone from a Go-anywhere Pro phone
£0.51 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to IsatPhone Pro
Calling a IsatPhone Pro satellite phone from Go-anywhere Pro terminal
£0.51 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to SwiftBroadband
Calling a SwiftBroadband satellite phone from Go-anywhere Pro terminal
£0.51 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat A
Calling an Inmarsat A capable terminal phone
£5.10 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat B v/f/d
Calling an Inmarsat B capable terminal phone
£2.94 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat M v/f/d
Calling an Inmarsat M capable terminal phone
£2.50 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat Mini M v/f/d
Calling an Inmarsat Mini M terminal phone
£2.16 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to GAN/Fleet/Swift
Calling an GAN, Fleet or Swift terminal phone
£2.16 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat Aero
Calling an Aero capable terminal phone
£4.22 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Iridium
Calling an Iridium capable satellite phone
£10.79 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Globalstar
Calling a Globalstar capable satellite phone
£7.85 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Thuraya
Calling a Thuraya capable satellite phone
£4.90 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat Satellite Phone Service (SPS)
Calling a SPS Viasat satellite phone
£1.74 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to other MSS Carriers
Calling an MSS capable terminal/satellite phone
£5.95 per minute
Service Type:
Go-anywhere Pro to Go-anywhere Pro Phone
Call another Go-anywhere Pro terminal from your Go-anywhere Pro phone
$0.65 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to FleetBroadband
Calling a FleetBroadband phone from a Go-anywhere Pro phone
$0.65 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to IsatPhone Pro
Calling a IsatPhone Pro satellite phone from Go-anywhere Pro terminal
$0.65 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to SwiftBroadband
Calling a SwiftBroadband satellite phone from Go-anywhere Pro terminal
$0.65 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat A
Calling an Inmarsat A capable terminal phone
$6.50 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat B v/f/d
Calling an Inmarsat B capable terminal phone
$3.74 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat M v/f/d
Calling an Inmarsat M capable terminal phone
$3.19 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat Mini M v/f/d
Calling an Inmarsat Mini M terminal phone
$2.75 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to GAN/Fleet/Swift
Calling an GAN, Fleet or Swift terminal phone
$2.75 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat Aero
Calling an Aero capable terminal phone
$5.38 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Iridium
Calling an Iridium capable satellite phone
$13.75 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Globalstar
Calling a Globalstar capable satellite phone
$10.00 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Thuraya
Calling a Thuraya capable satellite phone
$6.25 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to Inmarsat Satellite Phone Service (SPS)
Calling a SPS Inmarsat satellite phone
$2.22 per minute
Go-anywhere Pro to other MSS Carriers
Calling an MSS capable terminal/satellite phone
$7.58 per minute
Making or Receiving Go-anywhere Pro Calls
Here are Instructions for Making Calls From or Calling a Go-anywhere Pro Terminal.
Would you like to know more?
The Ground Control team are Viasat Go-anywhere Pro experts, so if you're looking for advice on the best Go-anywhere Pro terminal, airtime and/or services for your project, we can help.
Call or email us, or complete the form, and we'll be happy to assist you.
Call or email us, or complete the form, and we'll be happy to assist you.
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