

Track assets, improve safety, and transmit critical telemetry

From GPS tracking to two-way communication, Ground Control’s aircraft and helicopter satellite tracking systems, and monitoring and messaging solutions are essential for safe aviation.

Reliable asset tracking enables base operations to know where aircraft are at any given time, anywhere in the world. With the ability to send and receive texts and emails through satellite-enabled technologies, pilot safety is improved, and collaborative decisions can be made in critical flight mission situations.

Unlike satellite, cellular connectivity is not pole to pole, so aviators need a blend of satellite and cellular connectivity to ensure truly global tracking in the air.

Keeping aviators connected to base, wherever they are in the sky

Precise positioning

Keep track of your aircraft by providing real-time GPS positioning coordinates to ground teams, via reliable satellite and cellular coverage. Ground Control uses the Iridium network for pole-to-pole coverage.

Improve flight safety

Use satellite-enabled, two-way communications to stay connected to pilots, passengers, crews and base operations for both routine conversations and emergency response situations.

Enhance flight planning

With regular aircraft location updates, GPS-enabled tracking and two-way communication, aircraft can benefit from full planning, tracking and monitoring abilities, via SATCOM-based technology.

Transmit critical data

Ground Control's devices transmit data such as fuel used, payload, total distance flown etc., without which, some flights simply can't take place. For others, capturing this data makes invoicing easy.

Easy, real-time tracking

Harnessing the truly global connectivity of the Iridium satellite network, the RockAIR tracks, monitors and protects fleets, networks, people and technologies anywhere in the world, anytime. The dashboard-mounted device is specifically designed for aircraft tracking, leveraging cellular and satellite connectivity so aviators and ground teams are always able to receive GPS coordinates.

Emergency response without delay

Asset tracking enables base operations to know where aircraft are at any given time, so responses to emergency situations are quicker. 15-second reporting ensures frequent, accurate locator services - even at 30,000ft - connecting to people on the ground with RockAIR for optimum safety and assurance in the air.

Safe, responsible flying

The Department for Transport (DfT) shows aviation to be one of the safest modes of transport, with large passenger aeroplanes being the safest mode of transport in the ten-year period to 2015. Effective tracking is a contributor to this safety record - enabling real-time alerts to pilots if they stray off flight plans, or adverse weather means they should make a course correction.

Ground Control's aviation partners

While Ground Control’s devices come with a simple, effective tracking platform, we work with several partners who have built application-specific software platforms that leverage the tracking and communications data provided by Ground Control. These companies include V2Track, TracPlus, SKYTRAC, and IndigoSat. They’re definitely worth reviewing if you have a particular use case in mind.

If you have a fleet management software solution and would like to integrate Ground Control’s devices into your platform, please get in touch. We have fully featured APIs, and provide partners with cost and time-saving tools such as data pooling via our Cloudloop platform.

More about partnering with us

Ground Control's tracking devices in use

Here to help

Ground Control has devices to manage entire fleets: on land, air or sea; portable, handheld, vehicle-mounted or fixed; we’ve got you covered. Ground Control works with the best satellite and cellular networks in the world, and in addition to in-house, best-in-class hardware for aviation, also work with multiple partners and OEMs to offer truly objective recommendations.

Whatever your communication or connectivity needs, we can help.