Taking full advantage of IMT, the latest Iridium network service evolution, Ground Control is proud to announce the development of a new Satellite IoT delivery network. This ultra-efficient solution is designed to meet the needs of IoT applications that require transmission of larger data payloads from very remote locations.

What is Iridium Messaging Transport (IMT)?

The new IMT service from Iridium is designed for IoT / M2M applications, and joins several other satellite airtime services in this space. So what makes IMT different?

Table explaining differences between IoT satellite services

This table compares these satellite services to each other, not to the broader ecosystem of connectivity options.

Message Based vs IP Based

The simplest distinction between these two means of communication is that message-based services send discrete data packets at intervals determined by the owner / operator; IP-based services can send and receive data continuously. An advantage of IP-based connections is that many, particularly legacy, applications, use TCP/IP protocols, and so data can pass seamlessly between different systems. The major benefit of utilising message-based connections is that they are far lower cost, because you’re only billed for the data payload and not for any communication overhead (e.g. TCP).

Connection Speeds

Iridium already has a message-based airtime service called Short Burst Data, or SBD; Inmarsat has a similar service called IDP (IsatData Pro). Both are designed for very small amounts of data: environmental monitoring and asset tracking for example.

Iridium introduced Certus 100 which offers the ability to send more data, more frequently, and is ideal for legacy installations and telemetry streaming applications.

IMT sits in between these two services; with the ability to send 100 KB per message, far more data can be transmitted than via the SBD or IDP services, but because it’s message-based, it remains a lower cost solution than Certus 100.

Total Cost of Ownership

IMT airtime is more expensive than SBD airtime, but lower cost than Certus 100 airtime because you’re charged for the data payload only. We would recommend IMT is leveraged in mission-critical use cases, where the value of receiving the data far outweighs the cost of retrieving it.

Power Usage

A device leveraging the IMT service will generally use less power than a device using Certus 100, because the data is sent and received on demand, and data packets can be optimised. However, simply because the message can be up to 100 KB – that’s enough to send compressed images – an IMT-enabled device will use more power than an SBD or IDP equivalent. Battery and solar power is an option, but mains power is preferred.

Which Devices Utilise IMT?

At this time, there are very few devices that can access the IMT service; Ground Control’s RockREMOTE and RockREMOTE Rugged are two of them. With the RockREMOTE you can use a combination of connectivity options: Certus 100, LTE-M, and/or IMT. Users configure the device to use the airtime that is most economical for their particular use case; Ground Control will consult and assist with this exercise if needed.

When Would You Use IMT?

Iridium SBD
Inmarsat IDP
Iridium IMT
Iridium Certus 100
Inmarsat BGAN M2M
Great For:
Very small amounts of data from individual sensors
Very small amounts of data from individual sensors
IoT applications with larger data transmission requirements Sensors already ‘speaking’ MQTT
Fixed or mobile IoT applications which require IP connection
Fixed IoT applications with larger amounts of data to transfer via an IP connection
Small amounts of telemetry data
Small amounts of telemetry data
Larger amounts of telemetry data; compressed images
Connected M2M protocols e.g. Modbus RTU, WITS DPN3
Connected M2M protocols e.g. Modbus RTU, WITS DPN3
Use Cases:
SCADA, Agritech, Basic asset tracking
SCADA, Agritech, Basic asset tracking
Remote camera traps preventing poaching / trespassing; Remote surveillance capabilities for on-the-move assets
Visibility and control of assets spread over a wide area; Extending the reach of telemetry applications
Visibility and control of assets spread over a wide area; Extending the reach of telemetry applications

How does Ground Control’s new satellite IoT delivery network work?

The IoT delivery network is designed to deliver large message payloads for a wide range of IoT applications in a highly cost effective way. It leverages the new IMT satellite service, the RockREMOTE terminal, and the MQTT messaging transport.

It provides an end-to-end solution comprised of:

  1. An MQTT application deployed on the RockREMOTE terminal; this provides the interface for your remote application to submit and receive data payloads
  2. The Iridium IMT satellite service
  3. An MQTT server application, delivered via Ground Control’s Cloudloop platform, which enables your IoT service application to submit and receive data payloads.

A 2021 research paper found that 75% of businesses experienced connectivity challenges when trialing IoT projects (source), ranging from coverage to interoperability to cost. Ground Control’s IoT Gateway is designed to address each of these challenges, providing global coverage, industry standard interfaces, and cost efficiency.

From remote monitoring to predictive maintenance, improved processes to sustainability, the value of IoT data collection is under no doubt. The new satellite IoT delivery network allows Ground Control’s customers to grow beyond the restrictions of current IoT projects, delivering greater depth and breadth of data insight.

What is MQTT?

MQTT is a messaging protocol – a structured way for applications to exchange payloads of data between applications – designed for IoT. TCP / IP is another messaging (or communication) protocol, used to connect network devices on the internet, and in private computer networks.

MQTT was designed specifically for IoT, where the data transmission requirements are usually small, and the microcontrollers that host the code are also very small (physically and in terms of the amount of instructions they can support). So MQTT is very lightweight and efficient.

Another advantage of MQTT is that it has small message headers; this is the initial portion of a data packet, and contains control information such as addressing and version. In IP messaging protocols this is (relatively speaking) quite a large amount of information which makes sending data via IP more resource intensive. MQTT’s small message headers ensure that the network bandwidth is optimised.

It has become the industry standard for newer IoT projects because of its many advantages, including reliable message delivery, security, and scalability.

For more information on MQTT, visit https://mqtt.org/.

Talk to us about IMT

If you have an IoT connectivity challenge which satellite can solve, and you'd like expert, impartial advice on the best airtime and delivery network for your requirements, email or call us, or complete the form.

We've been delivering satellite and cellular connectivity services for over 20 years, and our partnerships with leading satellite operators means we can offer great pricing and a robust, reliable service, in addition to our commitment to delivering innovative, customer-driven data and device management solutions.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been transforming global industry and driving digitalisation for some years now. Simply, IoT describes connecting any device to other connected devices and the internet, or other communications networks. This allows all devices to collect and share data about their environment and how they are used; and it is this data that can deliver true insight.

But this value is wholly reliant on reliable connectivity. After all, for data to enable proactive, smarter decisions, that data first needs to be delivered, for example, from sensor to HQ. In addition, fragmented data and gaps can give a wildly inaccurate picture and cellular connectivity only covers 15% of the globe. This is where Ground Control’s RockBLOCK suite can help.

Introducing the RockBLOCK

RockBLOCKs are transceivers that you can use to send and receive short serial messages, through the Iridium satellite network and back to Earth. They deliver plug-and-play satellite communication, meaning if you have a clear view of the sky, your solution / project stays connected.

How do RockBLOCKs work?

Illustration to demonstrate how RockBLOCKs send data

Leveraging the Iridium Satellite network – specifically, ‘short burst data’ (SBD) – RockBLOCKs are connected to a sensor and send this data to 1 of 66 satellites within the Iridium constellation. The satellite then relays this data through the constellation until it’s within transmission distance of Iridium’s ground stations (this takes fractions of a second!). Finally this data can be viewed either in our web portal, or set up to automatically relay this information to email, several email addresses or direct to a web service.

Although SBD only equates to message sizes around 340 bytes up and 270 bytes down, it’s ideal for many IoT applications, including weather balloons, data buoys, UAVs and more. It’s also relatively low cost, and can be purchased on a pay-as-you-go basis, or contracted, which delivers flexibility for developers and educators while testing.

What are the differences between RockBLOCK devices?

RockBLOCK 9602

The RockBLOCK is essentially a development board for the Iridium satellite modem. In the case of the 9602, it hosts the 9602 modem, provides it with an antenna, its power supply requirements and exposes the modem’s serial interface via a breakout connector.

Often used by hobbyists and scientists, it can support many applications, from meteorological sensing, through to preventing fires in remote locations. All you need to get up and running is 5 volts DC, a controller that speaks serial and a clear view of the sky.

RockBLOCK 9603

The RockBLOCK 9603 is almost half the size of its predecessor and was designed especially for product developers and system integrators used to using smaller equipment for small enclosures.

It hosts a 9603 Iridium satellite modem, has a small form factor Molex connector to link the serial, power, and signalling lines to your controller. This may be slightly harder for developers than the 0.1″ dot pitch header used on the standard RockBLOCK, but we do also have USB serial cables which include the mating molex connector on the other side.

RockBLOCK Plus

The RockBLOCK Plus, is a waterproof and ruggedised version of the RockBLOCK 9602, with 9-30v power input and RS-232 data link.

It’s designed to transmit sensor data from IoT applications, and is being used in forestry, preventing illegal deforestation and creating alerts for extreme temperature changes; in environmental applications, monitoring earth movement and water levels to provide early warning of landslides and flood risks. It’s also deployed as part of Thailand’s tsunami detection system, with the potential to save many, many lives.

Antenna options – Patch vs SMA

Our RockBLOCK devices include a patch antenna which is suitable for applications where the RockBLOCK can ‘see’ the sky; for example, under plastic but close to the top of the enclosure. However, for applications where the RockBLOCK needs to be situated deep within an enclosure or have a metal barrier between it and the sky, both the 9602 and 9603 have an SMA connector allows the attachment of an external antenna.


Common RockBLOCK projects

Because the RockBLOCK is a small, low cost, low power transceiver, the applications are vast. We work with many partners to bring truly innovative, end-to-end solutions to life. We often partner with those responsible for building the sensors the RockBLOCKs then connect to. To give you an idea and possibly inspire your next project, we’ve collated below some of the most common use cases supported by our RockBLOCK products today.

Tsunami early warning system

When it comes to early warning systems and critical communications networks, organisations need to utilise satellite connectivity, both for the coverage requirements and network reliability. Currently the RockBLOCK Plus is installed across Thailand, empowering their Tsunami early warning system, with ubiquitous, reliable connectivity. The system continually monitors for Tsunami warning indicators, and upon detection – as the RockBLOCK supports two-way communication – it triggers an audible alarm.

Automated landslide monitoring

To reduce the impact of hazardous landslides, enabling proactive, preventative measures to be taken, near real-time monitoring is essential. The RockBLOCK assists regular monitoring of landslide activity with always on connectivity, sending data of high spatiotemporal resolution and centimetre-level accuracy for long-term deployments. Measuring in this way aids in early warning information and limits the use of invasive and expensive drilling, the more traditional landslide monitoring technique.

Environmental monitoring and reporting

Blocked, overflowing systems can cause flooding, erosion, turbidity, storm and sanitary sewer system overflow, and infrastructure damage. Combining data sent via RockBLOCKs within Powered Telemetry Modules (PTM), companies are able to monitor and forecast these events. Utilising a mixture of time lapse cameras, water level gauges, rain gauges, and weather gauges, companies are able to predict where issues may occur and which areas are most at risk, and implement proactive, preventative measures.

Drifting data buoys

Generally, the main purpose of drifting buoys is to measure ocean currents and sea temperatures, the data of which is then transmitted back to research labs on the mainland for analysis. We work with MakerBuoy, who create drifter buoys for individuals and hobbyists to throw into the ocean and retrieve oceanic data; for example, air and water temperature, wind speeds etc. The data retrieved provides vital intelligence for weather and climate models and ultimately aids better understanding of ocean behaviour and intensity forecasting. As the RockBLOCK benefits from pole-to-pole coverage via the Iridium satellite network, buoys carrying a RockBLOCK can transmit this data back to hobbyists, researchers and meteorological organisations for analysis, from anywhere on earth.

Drone connectivity

The applications for drone usage continue to grow: medicine delivery, crop spraying, seed drops, surveillance, meteorology, goods transportation – the list goes on. As many of these tasks take drones into areas with limited or no cellular coverage, satellite connectivity is essential to ensure that, when the drone is Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS), the drone can still receive commands from the operator.

Ground Control supports UAV and Drone operators with critical Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) communications to allow constant connectivity with minimal latency to airborne drones. We use Iridium Short Burst Data (SBD) to allow small strings of data to be sent from a base of operations to the field, providing flight programs, course alterations and other instructions in real time.

Most recently, we’re proud to have had our RockBLOCKs play an important role in the delivery of critical medical care via drone through our partnership with Skylift.

Preventing illegal deforestation

Illegal extraction activities are a significant threat to rainforests and natural resources more generally. With the RockBLOCK, monitoring systems within a rainforest can act as watchdogs. Once certain markers are detected, an alert can be sent and the data analysed by NGOs and governments. If they feel there is an imminent threat, the appropriate authorities can then be notified.

Wildlife tracking

Africa is home to some of the world’s best-known and most iconic wildlife. However, the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) reports that due to illegal poaching, 43% of the lion population has been lost in the last 20 years.

One of our partners is responsible for creating tracking collars for lions, most notably, in Namibia. Each collar houses a RockBLOCK device, ensuring rangers are able to reliably and effectively track pride movements and ultimately, more effectively protect them.

Off-grid fire prevention system

Regular home fire safety equipment (alarms and extinguishers) rely on a fire to have already entered the premises or someone to be home to raise the alarm. Off-grid fire prevention systems can protect properties and communities, using the data collated to predict and detect wildfires. RockBLOCKs can ensure data is sent from sensors in near real-time and as the RockBLOCK supports two-way communications, once certain thresholds are met, for example significant increase in temperature, a command can be sent back to the system to trigger high-pressure sprinkler systems.

Interest piqued?

Our RockBLOCK product suite is endlessly being used to create really clever, inspiring projects we’d not even thought of and a huge part of this is due to our partners.

If you are interested in learning more about any of the RockBLOCK suite, or partnering with Ground Control on an end-to-end solution, simply fill in the contact form below.

First coined around 2011, digital transformation according to Salesforce is the – “process of using digital technologies to create new — or modify existing — business processes, culture, and customer experiences to meet changing business and market requirements.”

With global spending on digital transformation set to double to $2.8 trillion by 2025, digital evolution and smart technology continue to gain significant traction, especially within Utilities and Renewables. Described as at the center of a massive global shift, the Utilities sector is under considerable pressure. With global energy demand expected to increase by 37% by 2040 and surges in demand for renewable energy resources and sustainability; more Utility companies are turning to digital strategies to become more agile, competitive and resilient.

The challenges and opportunities of digital transformation in Utilities are very well documented. However, having served Utilities for over 20 years, we know the role data has played in shaping this transformation. We’ve created a paper covering how far Utilities companies have come in terms of collecting and analysing data to streamline their operations, and how data is likely to shape digitalisation in the future.


Electrical grids and gas distribution systems are critical infrastructure. Outages and supply interruptions result in huge financial burden and penalties for the supplier, and severe (often prolonged) disruption for consumers. With increasing pressure for renewable energy and from customers seeking to generate their own power, digital transformation could be the catalyst Utilities need to boost consumer interest.

The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change has invested heavily into its smart grid vision and route map – building a smart grid across the UK. Smart meters and sensors along grid lines transmit usage data to providers, enabling them to match supply with demand. Likewise, smart appliances can alter the times of electricity usage, avoiding peak times when pressure on the grid is high, resulting in lower costs and reduced risk of outages.

It is these detailed insights into customer habits that does and will allow Utilities to achieve maximum efficiency and customer satisfaction. And at a time of expensive grid updates, usage trends could prove invaluable to planning and prioritising engineering work, and the most efficient means of distributing utility supply.

Big data, machine-to-machine technology, and dependable connectivity provide the means to understand consumer trends and predict future utility usage. Companies failing to incorporate a robust data strategy into their business plan are likely to find themselves at a major competitive disadvantage, if not already, in the very near future.

The future of connectivity

Although not covered in the paper directly, data retrieval is dependent on connectivity. Inmarsat reports that 58% of electrical Utility providers are unable to implement IoT projects due to availability of reliable connectivity in required areas. Data gaps and delays can lead to inaccurate pictures of infrastructure and supply. With Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) sunsetting their 2G and 3G networks, and PTSN set to be switched off in 2025, it is becoming even more difficult for Utility providers to secure reliable, consistent connectivity throughout their supply chain.

Cellular connectivity continues to advance and a recent survey by Deloitte highlighted that 26% of respondents within Utilities had included 5G within their strategy, with a further 36% stating they planned to. However, while cellular connectivity provides a viable alternative, some sites are so remote that there is no cellular coverage. 8% of the UK’s landmass remains uncovered by mobile networks. What’s more, it will be many years before fibre finds its way to these remote locations – if indeed it ever does – and it’s cost-prohibitive for most companies to fund this privately. Satellite is already used by a third of Utility companies and given the challenges ahead, satellite could prove pivotal to creating a more resilient grid.

Data security

Data security continues to be top of mind for Utility providers, with cybersecurity breaches on the rise. IBM reported a 10% increase, from $3.86 million to $4.24 million per incident, in data breach costs between 2020 and 2021. And the energy industry ranked fifth in data breach costs, surpassed only by Healthcare, Financial, Pharmaceutical and technology verticals.

Arguably, security is also becoming more of a focus for consumers. According to our survey of utility users, hackers bringing down internal systems (as was done in the Colonial pipeline attack), was identified as a potential risk to utility supply by 46.9% of recipients. Given that almost half (46.7%) of March’s survey respondents stated there was a slightly higher cybersecurity risk to Utility supply due to the war in Ukraine, and 20.3%, a substantially increased risk, this is clearly a growing concern.

Is satellite connectivity secure?

Satellite communications are as secure as any IP connection. Cybersecurity can be enhanced by securing data paths with encryption, and where appropriate, creating systems completely redundant from public networks and infrastructure. What’s more, any security protocols already in place will operate over a satellite network.

When working with companies within the Utilities and Renewables industry, one of the first questions we’ll ask is which communications they are most concerned about from a security point of view. And often, we’ll advise TSAT. TSAT provides a private satellite network operating a direct communication channel between a process control center and remote locations, specifically designed to meet the demanding requirements of the SCADA and utility industries. TSAT complies with AES-256 encryption and authentication. Furthermore, it’s completely isolated from the Internet or any other network, riding over a dedicated space segment of one or more satellites for redundant fail-over reliability, in multiple topologies.

Cyber security features include: VLAN (Virtual LAN) support, file system encryption, secure Linux login to avoid unauthorised access, and SW/FW upgrade over-satellite authentication.

For more information regarding security and connectivity more generally, we recommend you take a look at our recent eBook.

Secure data transmission: the key to unlocking Utilities’ operational success?

The key to operational success in Utilities is to collect accurate, real-time data throughout the supply chain. But data collection is increasingly fraught with risk as cyber-criminals target infrastructure. Our eBook explores three main challenges facing Utility providers: security, ageing infrastructure and climate change, and explores the role of connectivity in overcoming these.

We are proud to have provided one of our utility customers 27 years uninterrupted service, making satellite that company’s most reliable system. To learn more about our solutions and how these can help you consistently provide better for your customers, contact hello@groundcontrol.com.

    Register for our newsletter to get a monthly round up of the latest news in satellite, M2M and IoT. No spam, no third parties, just great content from our team of experts - and you can opt out at any time.

    2022 marks the official 20th anniversary of Ground Control. Ground Control as we know it today, is formed from the merger of three companies – US-based Ground Control, and UK-based Wireless Innovation and Rock Seven. The result? A best-in-class IoT, M2M and critical communications service and technology provider, we service 4,500 customers across 120 countries worldwide.

    We’re in a somewhat unique position at Ground Control, in that founding members from each business still consult and work within the company today. So to celebrate this impressive milestone, particularly in the fast-paced industry of satellite communications, we have amalgamated the “short” story of Ground Control.


    Mark Wright, Founder of Ground Control in North America

    Following the sale of his highly successful dial-up internet services business, ‘The Grid’, Mark went out on the open road with a newly purchased RV. In 1999, cellular data service didn’t yet exist and as Mark puts it – “as an internet guy, I wasn’t going to go without, so…”.

    After some digging, Mark discovered Direcway satellite service for fixed home installations. It was wonderful new internet technology, but not a technology that could be taken on the road. Undeterred, Mark researched and found a company in Salt Lake City that manufactured RV TV antennas and commissioned them to develop a mobile solution for the Direcway dish in 2001. The result? DataStorm. The first affordable mobile satellite system in North America. The product was a huge success, meeting the needs of RVers and professionals across North America.

    However, Mark felt that although the product was a great success, it was really lacking a quality service provider. So he founded Ground Control in 2002 to be that provider.

    Ground Control visual timeline FINAL

    Mark’s background in internet services rapidly propelled Ground Control to become a leader in mobile satellite-driven internet services in North America. As Mark states – “the key to growth was always quality customer service, quality hardware and a bit of good marketing. Word of mouth is what really propelled Ground Control.”
    Mark Wright, his RV and MCD case based system created by Ground Control
    Mark Wright, founder of Ground Control, his famous mobile VSAT solution, and MCD case-based system. Ground Control continues to design and build VSAT and portable satellite internet solutions from its base in California today.

    Phil Rouse, Founder of Wireless Innovation in the UK

    Around this time, in 2004, there were some exciting developments in the UK. Phil Rouse wanted to transform the business he worked for into one solely focused on satellite, radio and WiFi. Given his proposal was based on a Management Buy Out, he also had to pitch Wireless Innovation to potential employees he wished to move across. Phil states – “I was really humbled by their response. There is always an element of risk and these people had families to support, burgeoning careers. But they trusted me. And they were completely onboard for the vision I had for Wireless Innovation from the very beginning.”

    Phil already had great relationships with TSAT, an expert SCADA device manufacturer, and Iridium, a satellite network provider specializing in global, low latency M2M connectivity. These enabled a strong sales proposition, and within just six weeks, Phil’s team had brokered a sale with large Italian utility company Telespatio. Even with the experienced team, given how new the company was, this was no small feat.
    Phil Rouse, Wireless Innovation team outside Churcham office and the TSAT
    Phil Rouse, founder of Wireless Innovation and current Ground Control Consultant, the Wireless Innovation team outside the Churcham Business Park office and the TSAT.

    Ric Searle, Co-Founder of Rock Seven in the UK

    Meanwhile, also in 2004, Ric Searle and Nick Farrell started Rock Seven, developing solutions based on cellular location services which were emerging at the time. Early applications tracked the location of engineers for electricity companies, so they could deploy the nearest, appropriately skilled engineer to attend to faults in the network.

    As time progressed, Ric explains – “I stumbled across an opportunity to deliver a tracking system for offshore yacht racing, which led to us finding an Iridium tracking product and developing a race management system and viewer, that became YB Tracking. We eventually decided that we could develop better hardware ourselves… So we did.”

    This ultimately led to Rock Seven’s reputation for reliable, accurate global tracking of personnel and/or assets via relatively small devices. More commercial applications, including fisheries, emerged later on. Due to their early experience in offshore yacht racing, maritime is still a large focus for Ground Control today.
    Ric Searle with photo of yacht race winners and rockstar device
    Ric Searle, co-founder of Rock Seven and current Chief Technology Officer at Ground Control. Enhanced RockSTAR device, very popular among lone workers today.

    Since then, there have been multiple milestones for all three companies. To mention just a few, Jeff Staples (current President of North America) joined Ground Control in 2008 and in the same year, launched Ground Control’s flagship VSAT solution, the Toughsat XP. Through a program of continuous improvement, it remains a best-seller today. In 2008, Wireless Innovation landed their first £1 million deal and in 2010 were awarded the Queen’s Award for Enterprise. Not to be outdone, Rock Seven designed, engineered and manufactured the RockFLEET, an improved RockSTAR device and the RockAIR.

    The new era: Private equity

    2017 would mark the next significant moment in Ground Control’s journey. The founders of Wireless Innovation wanted to sell, Phil Rouse wanted to continue his journey with Wireless Innovation. So Phil set out to seek further financial investment, leading him to then Lyceum Capital, now Horizon – a UK-based private equity firm.

    Horizon tasked Phil with creating a group of companies within the satellite and cellular space, which would enable each to expand their product lines and knowledge base and ultimately, bring new compelling solutions to the market.

    Rock Seven, while serving a different customer base, had clear synergies through their use of Iridium’s short burst data (SBD) service, and their design and build capabilities made for a great fit. Similarly, the engineering capabilities of Ground Control, in addition to the US foothold, made the company a valuable addition to the newly formed group. The company benefited from the collective experience of its expert staff, supplier relationships, manufacturing capabilities, and a truly global customer base.

    Phil explains – “I’ve always seen the key value-add of Wireless Innovation, now Ground Control, as a company capable and willing to take full ownership of the overall solution. There are a lot of players who offer plug-and-play communication systems, but ultimately Ground Control takes the time to understand how, what and why our customers applications work; the data required, frequency of communication needed and the utter importance of the customers application data. Ground Control uniquely positions itself to fully understand both ends of the data communications equation with our customers. And in my opinion, this understanding leads to better solutions for our customers and has been the differentiator between us and competitors.”

    Celebrating 20 years of innovation

    Shortly after the merger, Mark Wright retired and Phil Rouse stepped down in 2020, though both remain highly valued mentors for individuals and teams across the business. Alastair MacLeod was then appointed CEO of the Group and has made significant strides to amalgamate, while being careful to not lose sight of the relative, individual strengths of each business. Alastair often describes Ground Control as a large company that feels small. All three companies were founder-led. That entrepreneurial spirit, creativity and additional care taken with customers when they are dealing with a smaller firm, is something all teams work hard to maintain, despite the increasing headcount.

    As Alastair puts it – “we start by listening… a lot of the time the real problem that needs solving isn’t necessarily the one they brought to us in the first place and we’re very good at figuring out the underlying issue.”

    When talking of the anniversary, Alastair states – “It says a lot about a business, that you stay in business for 20 years; the company is obviously good at what it does. But we’re also fresh; we bring the best of both worlds. Money can’t buy twenty years’ experience, but at the same time we’re fully focused on changing ourselves up, all the time, every year, something new, something better. How can we do a better job next year than we did this year? I think that’s what’s great for customers.”

    Looking to the future, Alastair credits Horizon Capital with empowering the company to build new things, grow the team, bring in new skills, as well as retaining and protecting existing experience and expertise. Alastair concludes, – “we’ve been able to leverage our history, our existing resources and investment to build new things, and what comes out of that is something which is genuinely great for the market, and great for customers.”

    CEO Alastair MacLeod with current Ground Control stats

    Can We Help?

    With 20 years of experience, we can help you make the best choices for your critical communication infrastructure.

    We’re not invested in selling you a specific product or connections, just the best solution for your needs.

    Complete the form, email hello@groundcontrol.com, or call us on +44 (0) 1452 751940 (UK, serving Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania) or 800 773 7168 (North and South America).

      Required Field

      The current landscape and impact of wildfires

      In a recent announcement on wildfire incidents, the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) stated that, “through mid-May of 2022 there have been over 25,000 wildfires consuming 1.4 million acres”. This surpasses the 10 year annual average and it’s predicted that climate change will only exacerbate extreme heat and droughts, which along with severe storms, will make wildfire conditions worsen.

      Spring and summer are the peak seasons for wildland fires. The consequences to wildlife can be devastating – ranging from significant loss of forest and areas of natural habitation to risks to residential areas, and from significant animal deaths to severe air pollution. One of the best tools to monitor, manage and even predict the spread of wildfires is through the use of satellites.

      The importance of satellite connectivity

      There are usually places within a forest or a remote wilderness area that don’t have adequate traditional communication coverage. When wildfires occur, communications are vital as wildfires can require the coordination of hundreds of firefighters and cover thousands of acres, causing millions of dollars of damage. During these emergency operations, existing cellular and radio communication infrastructure can be damaged, or even destroyed, cutting off the essential communication channels required by firefighting crews, agency headquarters and dispatch offices. The recovery teams and civilians in areas impacted by wildfire rely on critical connectivity tools for collaboration, coordination, and communication among themselves, other ground and in-flight rescue teams.

      Responding to fires

      Once fire crews are at the scene of a fire, there are four key stages to response:

      1. MONITOR

      Essentially, observing the fire, its behavior and effects to evaluate whether fire management objectives are still being met. Satellite mapping and drone images enable ground crews to effectively monitor the fire from their base of operations, and even predict the course and spread of the fire.

      Nasa Cityscape Satellite View


      Managing a fire perimeter by a combination of direct and indirect actions. Taking the right course of action in this stage of response can reduce the damage and devastation caused by fire. Utilizing portable communication devices such as the RockSTAR, personnel can communicate with one another and base operations with real-time assessments and outcomes of direct and indirect actions.

      RockSTAR in pouch


      Assessment and protection of assets or highly valued resources, such as buildings. Access to cloud-based GIS data for this assessment is helpful as it contains essential data regarding property and ownership.

      Building on Fire


      This is when teams are deployed, sometimes en masse, to extinguish or limit wildfire spread. This can take a matter of hours, days or weeks and can involve huge and extensive collaborative efforts between states, agencies and crews to suppress a rampant wildfire. Reliable, robust, internet connectivity to track, monitor and manage personnel and response teams is essential to the safety of fire crews.

      Fire Crew and Fire Truck

      The role of satellite communication solutions

      Portable satellite terminals that deploy quickly can be brought into affected areas to effectively replace, or complement, damaged terrestrial networks. As connectivity comes from space and the hardware is mobile and deployed outside of the fire-hit area, it’s always available. While the terrestrial infrastructure that more typically delivers this connectivity may be disrupted or destroyed, satellites are highly reliable and can deliver connectivity, anywhere, without any loss of quality or capability.

      Satellite images and weather data also help not only to assess the current situation of fire and the impacted areas, but combined with algorithms, can also help predict the course of wildfires. This will help firefighters to control the spread of fires and reduce damage. The nearest critical supplies can also be located easily from the accurate GPS from satellite data. Furthermore, data messaging systems make it easier to send messages from satellite terminals to firefighters about any changes in weather or wind direction.

      A mobile, portable satellite communication solution – MCD-4800 “The Football”

      The MCD-4800 “Mobile Communications Device”, also known as “The Football”, is capable of providing high-speed internet, anywhere in the world, in less than one minute and with no specialist training. The auto-pointing BGAN satellite terminal is rugged, but lightweight, and can be used in extreme weather conditions.

      Users simply place the weatherproof case on the ground or any surface with a clear view of the sky, turn it on and close the lid. Within a minute the MCD-4800 becomes a powerful WiFi hotspot accessible by any wireless device within a 100-meter range for up to 5 hours on internal battery power.

      This auto-pointing solution uses the high-performance Hughes 9450TW in-motion BGAN terminal integrated with our proprietary mobile electronics for a ruggedized, self-contained, user-friendly, global communications link.

      With the adoption of portable, mobile satcoms and internet, the response times to fire events can be vastly improved, communication and coordination with other teams significantly enhanced and advanced warning systems more accurate. Furthermore, the MCD-4800 satellite technology helps promote safety and efficiency of fire crews and responders during fire disaster. The device has already been used worldwide to monitor events, improve responses and drive resilience post-disaster, providing infrastructure support.

      Ground Control’s emergency communications satellite equipment meets or complies with all SAFECOM requirements, for emergency interoperable communication equipment.

      Can We Help You?

      If you’d like to get in touch to discuss potential satellite solutions for your organization or agency, simply email hello@groundcontrol.com, complete the form, or call us.

      We have over 20 years’ experience in providing reliable, robust satellite communication solutions, from IoT through to live video streaming, and we pride ourselves on providing expert and objective advice.

        Required Field

        The Toughsat Auto Deploy Antenna is already established as a reliable, robust mobile satellite system – and we’re pleased to announce that we have secured an even more robust and cost-effective connectivity solution to accompany this. In addition to our Dual Matrix satellite service, we are now able to offer Ground Control customers an enhanced connectivity service via The Dejero GateWay. Utilizing Smart Blending Technology, the new service seamlessly blends multiple cellular and satellite networks into one pipe, resulting in better cost management and often, faster download speeds.

        Used to facilitate phone and internet, in any location, our SAFECOM-compliant Toughsat series has proved particularly popular among First Responders, those with off-grid operations and for the purposes of disaster recovery.

        Toughsat Emergency Response

        As the world continues to become more interconnected and mobile, organizations and companies are increasingly turning to cloud-based solutions to support operations. In addition, many have become reliant upon autonomous data transmission, to drive and maintain operational efficiencies. For both, reliable connectivity is key. And for many, this connectivity is mission critical.

        The Dejero Gateway

        In simple terms, The Dejero GateWay is a certified, network aggregation device that uses Smart Blending Technology. We have been strengthening our Cell/Sat service across North America, and this enhanced cellular/satellite hybrid is now available to our Toughsat customers.

        What is Smart Blending Technology?

        Dejero explains, we “simultaneously blend together multiple wired (broadband, fiber) and wireless (3G/4G/5G, Wi-Fi, satellite) IP connections from multiple providers to form a virtual Dejero ‘network of networks’.

        We dynamically and intelligently manage the fluctuating bandwidth, packet loss, and latency differences of individual connections in real-time.”

        How does this help Ground Control customers?

        We understand our customers require ubiquitous, powerful connectivity, under all circumstances. Especially in the case of First Responders, where real-time information is required to deliver situational awareness to both command center and teams on the ground. Many use cases also call for video streaming, which can prove challenging depending on the required bandwidth and speed of connection available.

        With this new service, we can offer our customers ubiquitous, powerful connectivity, utilizing more cellular networks, meaning better cost management. And in some cases, as multiple cellular networks are simultaneously combined to deliver one robust connection, increased speeds. We recently ran our own tests utilizing our Toughsat XP and The Dejero Gateway, and saw download speeds over 180Mbps.

        As an example, with a Dejero M6E6 GateWay device, we would provide SIMs on Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobiles networks (2 SIMs on each) and the Toughsat would use a Cat-5 to plug into the External WAN port on the Dejero. Any cellular and satellite service that the device can see would be blended/bonded together to deliver one usable, more robust internet connection. For instance, if the cellular networks seen, totalled 100x10Mbps, and the satellite was receiving 20x5Mbps, you would achieve speeds of 120x15Mbps.

        What’s more, as the service plans assume some usage is going to be over cellular, after the hardware, airtime plans could drop by up to 30% over standard usage services.

        At Ground Control, we have always aimed to optimize our customer’s connectivity, so data always gets through, and in the most cost-effective way. We are genuinely excited to see what this new service can provide for our customers.

        The Toughsat

        The Toughsat XP is an auto-pointing VSAT satellite dish that’s available in different sizes and configurations. It is the only VSAT antenna listed by make and model in the US FEMA Cache list. The Toughsat delivers broadband internet speeds of 20 Mbps up and 5 Mbps down with our network service. Built for extreme weather, temperature and high winds, the range is very popular with emergency personnel.

        Our complete systems are trusted by hundreds of Urban Search and Rescue agencies, State, County and City Law Enforcement and Fire Departments throughout the United States.
        If you would like any further information, on our products or available airtime services, simply get in touch with our expert team at hello@groundcontrol.com.

        Can We Help?

        With over 20 years experience facilitating emergency preparedness and response across the globe, we understand that in a crisis, every second counts. We’re constantly evolving and adapting our Public Safety offer and systems to best support teams on the ground. Which is just part of the reason Ground Control has been a trusted name in Emergency Responder satcom since 2002.

        Whatever your communication or connectivity needs, we can help.

          Required Field

          We’re delighted to announce that Ground Control has been recognised as one of the Top 10 Oil & Gas Solution Providers in 2022.

          We have always taken pride in being a partner that truly understands both ends of data communications. Taking ownership of the overall solution and working with our customers to identify not just required volume and frequency of data transmission, but what device compatibility is required and how the data is to be used; to achieve operational goals. We have been creating and delivering advanced connectivity solutions to the Oil & Gas industry for over 20 years.


          Solutions for the Oil & Gas sector

          We deliver remote connectivity solutions to power Oil & Gas IIoT applications and support global, off-grid operations. Simply put, our solutions help to deliver more reliable data, better safety, cost management and enhanced security.

          Popular use cases include remote monitoring and control, pipeline management, asset tracking and lone worker enablement and safety; and facilitating each, is robust, advanced connectivity.

          The real value of connectivity

          From asset management through to remote performance monitoring and maintenance, the IIoT ecosystem is delivering efficiencies and productivity to meet the demands of an ever-evolving energy landscape.

          McKinsey & Company project that advanced connectivity to optimise drilling and production throughput and improve maintenance and field operations, could add $250 billion to the industry’s upstream operations by 2030.

          This focus on connectivity, as opposed to IIoT more generally, is key. Despite the myriad of measurable benefits IIoT offers, everything will fall at the first hurdle if connectivity isn’t addressed as a priority. Data enables smarter and faster decisions, but data gaps and interruptions can lead to poor, costly business decisions. To truly harness the value of digitalisation in the field, operators must maintain near real-time, reliable data delivery from all assets within the Oil & Gas supply chain, at all times.

          Given the often hostile and remote nature of the environments in which Oil & Gas plants are situated, terrestrial connectivity is not always available, nor reliable. This is where Ground Control really adds value. Using cellular and satellite networks, we specialise in connecting hard-to-reach people, machines and things.

          Introducing Iridium Certus® 100

          Ideal for IoT and M2M applications, the Iridium Certus® 100 service is facilitated by Iridium’s constellation of 66 LEO satellites. Providing pole-to-pole coverage, with the benefit of lower latency.

          Offering IP data speeds of up to 88 Kbps, antennas can be small and lightweight, and do not have to be pointed to pick up Iridium satellites. This enables faultless connectivity to be achieved – even in mountainous or wooded areas.

          The Certus-Enabled RockREMOTE

          Designed for Industrial IoT, the RockREMOTE leverages the Iridium Certus® network and LTE cellular connectivity, end-to-end networking and the powerful Cloudloop platform, to solve remote M2M / IoT connectivity challenges for Oil & Gas. It can be tailored to address a variety of fixed and mobile communications challenges within the Oil & Gas sector.

          With serial, Ethernet, and GPIO connectivity to any IoT / M2M devices, it’s ideal for legacy installations; but equally has powerful integrated processing, storage and security features that pave the way for edge computing.

          RockREMOTE is a particularly interesting solution for Oil & Gas as its exception reporting capabilities open up a whole new world for optimisation, while significantly reducing costs. By setting parameters to send data only if values change, clients are in a much stronger position to manage their data footprint and thus connectivity costs.

          RockREMOTE with annotations
          The RockREMOTE is a great solution for:

        • Monitoring the performance of pressure pumps in the hydraulic fracturing process
        • Capturing the data from flowback well tests
        • Capturing production data

          Also popular with the Oil & Gas sector



          With the RockFLEET organisations know where their vehicles are, at all times and can visualise asset location on an easy-to-use web-based viewer. Additionally devices can be used to measure payload, optimise delivery routes and even capture early warnings of required maintenance.


          Promoting better lone worker safety, the RockSTAR is a Two-Way Messenger global communication device and tracking system. Working far beyond the reach of Wi-Fi and GSM networks, companies can deliver peace of mind, with location updates, up to every 15 seconds.

          Hughes 9502

          BGAN M2M-capable terminals like the Hughes 9502, are low cost - typically with billable unit costs of 1 to 2 cents per kilobyte, and low power (.01 to 4 watts). Offered in one-piece or two-piece form factors, there is also a variant compliant for operation in Hazardous environments.

          Discover the value add of better connectivity

          Going digital in the Oil & Gas sector is getting easier. But many companies still fall at the first hurdle - connectivity. We have supported our Oil & Gas customers' digital projects, IIoT applications and connectivity requirements for 20 years. So, truly - we’ve got you covered.

          Interested to see what value better connectivity could deliver for your operations? Contact us today to book a no obligation discovery call.

          The challenges and current landscape

          According to the United Nations, over the last 20 years the number of extreme weather events has increased by a staggering 153%. The US alone saw 20 separate billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in just one year.

          During times of unpredictable and unprecedented disaster, coordinating people on the ground, emergency services and mobile operations teams isn’t straightforward. It’s often further impaired when traditional communications such as cellular, mobile and fiber have been disrupted or cut off as a result of the disaster. Loss of life is sometimes, sadly, inevitable, but with alternative options to coordinate communications and response teams, it can be preventable.

          hurricane irma property damage
          Critical connectivity in critical moments

          Why portable internet is crucial when disaster strikes

          Mapping and GPS data

          Access to GIS data is essential data regarding property and ownership, and MSDS sheets deliver potentially life-saving information on material safety.

          Personnel and equipment tracking

          Tracking the real-time location of personnel, equipment and assets, including emergency vehicles and helicopters, all saves invaluable time.

          Red Phone Emergency Network

          The network enables organisations and personnel to communicate via voice, email or even radio, and disseminate information to other relevant Public Safety agencies.

          Monitor news and media coverage

          The streaming of 24/7 news allows teams to connect to the internet to check media reports and news in real-time to ensure a complete 360-degree view of disaster and first response information.

          Document and record

          Wildfires, for example, spread fast. Drone video utilises remote connectivity to live stream video, providing real-time information to those on the ground.


          The solution

          Public safety and the prevention of loss of life are always top priorities. In recent years, the number of IoT applications have increased exponentially. The enablement of IoT solutions – such as Toughsat – has directly resulted in the saving of lives and disaster prevention through remote connectivity, monitoring and control. Toughsat has been deployed by emergency services all over the world that require a quick, reliable and portable VSAT antenna for both high-speed internet and VoIP phone services.

          With a clear view of the sky, and the touch of a single button, Toughsat delivers connectivity for up to 256 wireless capable devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops or VoIP phones. Teams can be online in minutes, even where all other connectivity options have failed, and with powerful 20 Mbps x 5 Mbps broadband internet speeds. What’s more, the powerful broadband WiFi hotspot operates even in extreme weather conditions including high winds, flood and fire-affected areas.


          Toughsat XP in action

          Ground Control’s emergency communications satellite equipment meets or complies with all SAFECOM requirements for emergency interoperable communication equipment. Toughsat is also the only VSAT antenna listed by make and model in the US FEMA Cache list.

          Like to know more?

          With over 40 years of combined knowledge of satellite experience and disaster relief, the Ground Control team is well placed to help keep you connected when it matters the most.

          With complete satellite connectivity solutions for any situation and application, we’ve got you covered.

          Whatever your communication or connectivity needs, we can help.

          According to the BSI and TT Club’s Cargo Theft Report 2021, the top countries for cargo theft are Brazil, India, Mexico, Germany, Russia and the United Kingdom. By far the most common form of theft is to hijack trucks or otherwise force entry into containers while in transit; at 71%, this eclipses thefts from facilities (25%).

          Road freight crime cost the UK economy £250 million in 2020 – a 113% increase on 2018 data –  and the UK also holds the dubious honour of hosting the largest theft in EMEA supply chains: £7.5m worth of computing equipment was stolen from a truck in Nuneaton in the West Midlands in March 2020.

          In addition to theft, there is a growing problem of individuals stowing away in cargo shipments, which increases insurance costs, and can result in loss of goods. To round off our trifecta of supply chain issues, we have perishable goods failing to make it to their destination in a usable state – astonishingly, a third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted, largely due to temperature sensitivity (accounting for half of all food waste).

          Six ways asset tracking can help reduce costs and wastage in the supply chain

          1. Cargo theft is being effectively prevented by having IoT-enabled locks that send alerts if they’re tampered with by unauthorised people. Couple this with ubiquitous coverage provided by hybrid cellular / satellite services, and you can act in real-time to reduce theft.
          2. The same technology can prevent unwanted passengers, whose presence not only compromises the shipment integrity, but also increases your insurance premiums (not to mention rarely being a safe means of transport for the stowaway).
          3. By giving your drivers a means of contact with the outside world, even when out of mobile phone range, you can improve their personal safety and morale. And tracking their location gives reassurance that the goods will be delivered when intended, which means that the recipient can plan around the estimated delivery time with confidence.
          4. By measuring the condition of your assets (such as perishables), and being able to act on, for example, an unexpected temperature change in a refrigerated unit, you can reduce the chances of spoiled goods on arrival, saving costs and improving sustainability.
          5. Either by aggregating route data over time, or by layering real-time traffic and weather data over your truck, train or ship’s trajectory, you can perform route optimisation, lowering fuel costs and improving driver safety.
          6. Sensor data can easily measure wear and tear; by alerting fleet managers to any issues before they become crises, you can lower costs and improve driver safety, as well as avoiding costly and reputation damaging delays.

          What technologies should you consider for your asset tracking requirements?

          There are two considerations: firstly, how will you gather your sensor data from multiple different units (e.g. containers) in a cost-effective, low maintenance, secure and reliable way? Secondly, once you have that data, how will you transmit it to your base of operations so it can be acted upon?

          In terms of gathering sensor data, this is where LPWAN (low-power wide area network) technology comes into its own. Created for IoT networks, LPWANs combine great power efficiency, low operating costs, and the ability to manage a large number of connected devices over a wide area. Most have a star topology – each sensor or node is connected to a central gateway. Here’s an excellent explanation of LPWAN technology and the major players in this space.

          The gateway, or hub, typically has some edge processing capabilities, so it can recognise when data points have fallen out of pre-set parameters, and can then report on exception, rather than sending a continuous stream of data. This is useful for smart locks or temperature sensors, where you don’t necessarily need to provide an update if nothing has changed.

          Then it’s a question of getting that data back to you. If your asset is within range of a mobile phone mast, a cellular transmitter will be your first choice of data retrieval. It’s low cost, relatively low power, reliable and well understood. Plus, the challenges of moving between mobile network operators (MNOs) as your asset moves from country to country have been largely overcome.

          One solution is eSIMs: this technology allows you to host multiple “profiles” (i.e. MNOs) on a single SIM card. Another solution is working with a provider such as Telit, who have global IoT data plans, and manage this complexity for you.

          If your asset is going to travel outside of cellular coverage, you have two choices: firstly, you can wait until your tracker reconnects to the next available mobile phone mast, which is probably OK if the black spot is just a few minutes. Secondly, you can failover to satellite connectivity.

          Considerations for satellite asset tracking

          Considerations for satellite connectivity projects


          Data: satellite is more expensive than cellular, so it makes sense to optimise your data transmissions – this will also extend the battery life of your device, if it is battery-powered. Reporting on exception, or using a messaging protocol like MQTT, are increasingly common best practices.

          Security: when it comes to sending data to the satellite, and from the satellite to the ground station, this is very secure and hard to intercept. Next, you must get your data from the ground station to your application server. Most companies use the internet for data backhaul and protect their asset by VPN, or a dedicated circuit. Our blog post on ‘How to Improve Satellite IoT Network Security‘ is worth a read for more information on this topic.

          The security of the physical asset – the transceiver – is also important, and so look for a ruggedised, small form factor device that can be easily concealed, and will stand up to all manner of weather conditions.

          Budget: as your asset will likely be moving in and out of cellular coverage, choose a device that seamlessly switches between cellular and satellite, such as the RockFLEET, choosing the lowest cost routing. This, along with data optimisation and the appropriate choice of airtime, will keep your costs down.

          Power: asset tracking devices are by design not power hungry. There are battery and solar powered options if there is no mains power available; as an example, a company we work with on endangered species preservation builds a satellite transceiver into animal tracking collars, which then typically last around 3 years on a single charge.

          Mobility: in this use case you are expecting the asset to move; that means you either need a device that auto-points itself at a satellite in geostationary orbit, or use a device that connects with satellite constellations in low earth orbit (LEO). The latter is often a better choice for land freight as it is easier for LEO devices to find a signal when passing through wooded or hilly territory.

          Connectivity: Make sure you’re using the appropriate airtime for your needs. Satellite connectivity has diversified a great deal, so don’t pay for broadband when you only need event driven messaging like Iridium’s Short Burst Data, or Inmarsat’s IsatData Pro.

          If you’d like expert guidance on your asset tracking needs, please get in touch with the Ground Control team at hello@groundcontrol.com. With over 20 years’ experience, we are well placed to advise you on the best hardware and airtime to meet your specifications.

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