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Navigating Obstacles: Tips for Successful Satellite IoT Implementation
McKinsey projects that the Internet of Things (IoT) could generate global value of $5.5 trillion – $12.6 trillion by 2030 but just 50% of businesses consider their satellite IoT deployment a success. This article outlines the most common challenges including security and scalability, and potential solutions, to help you create more successful IoT projects.
Tags: Inmarsat / Viasat, IoT & M2M, Iridium
May 31, 2023
Unlocking the Full Potential of IoT: How Satellite Modules are Redefining Connectivity
Discover how satellite IoT modules are empowering businesses to enhance customer interactions, boost operational efficiency, and gain valuable insights. With global coverage and reliable performance, these modules enable organisations to tap into the immense potential of the IoT.
Tags: Cellular, Inmarsat / Viasat, IoT & M2M, Iridium, Viasat
May 25, 2023
From LEO to GEO: Exploring the Different Types of Satellite IoT
Satellite IoT enables IoT connectivity in remote and potentially dangerous areas – but it’s not a one-size-fits-all proposition. This post explores the various options available based on the orbiting height of the satellite network.
Tags: Inmarsat / Viasat, IoT & M2M, Iridium, Viasat
May 11, 2023
Smart Water Management: How Massive IoT is transforming the Water sector
Harnessing the potential of smart devices and data analytics, combined with Massive IoT and AI, is crucial for establishing a resilient, optimised and secure water network, both now and in the future. Discover the challenges and opportunities in the Water sector related to Massive IoT and explore further.
Tags: Environmental, IoT & M2M, Utilities & Renewables
April 28, 2023
Satellite IoT use cases: truly global connectivity for real-world applications
Satellite IoT technology provides reliable and truly global connectivity for a wide range of real-world applications. In this article, we explore some of the most promising use cases for Satellite IoT, including asset tracking, environmental monitoring, and remote sensing.
Tags: Agriculture, data loggers, Environmental, Inmarsat / Viasat, IoT & M2M, Iridium, military, Utilities & Renewables, Viasat
April 14, 2023
LoRaWAN Data Backhaul Using Satellite Connectivity
When LoRaWAN is a good choice for your IoT device wireless network, and how LoRaWAN and satellite connectivity can work together to maximise coverage, connectivity, and cost control.
Tags: Inmarsat / Viasat, IoT & M2M, Iridium, Viasat
March 30, 2023
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