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Wireless connectivity for offshore wind farms: why it matters, & how to get started

38% of the operating costs of offshore wind farms is allocated to maintenance. Condition Monitoring Systems can dramatically lower these costs, but how can operators implement these cost-effectively and quickly? We think wireless connectivity holds the key…

Offshore wind farm OPEX diagram

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August 7, 2023

Private Satellite Network: TSAT’s Game-Changing Solution For Utilities

Remote ‘off-grid’ sites hold a critical place in delivering reliable utility power supplies to distant and challenging regions. In this blog, we’ll explore the key data connectivity and backhaul challenges for remote power utility providers and discuss how SCADASat by TSAT is a reliable and robust communication solution.

Computer scan

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July 28, 2023

Unleashing Precision Forestry: how Satellites Facilitate Decision-Making and Automation

A lack of connectivity in remote areas is holding Precision Forestry back. This blog highlights how satellites are transforming the industry by enabling real-time data transfer between heavy machinery and controllers.

Heavy Machinery Ponsse Scorpian working in the forest

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July 25, 2023

SmallSats, Big Impact, and the Future of Connectivity in Water and Waste Water Processing

Satellite IoT has transformed in the last 5 years, but what are the implications for water sensor manufacturers monitoring pipelines, reservoirs and treatment plants in remote areas?

The role of Satellite IoT in Water and Waste Water Sensor Data Backhaul

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July 24, 2023

Communicating effectively during major incidents: 3 challenges facing first responders

Reviewing potentially overlooked, affordable and easy-to-deploy solutions which can help tackle the three core communication issues of interoperability, network congestion, and coverage in remote areas.

Firefighters in wildland

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July 14, 2023

Enhancing law enforcement: the role of satellite communications in modern policing

Satellite communications have revolutionized the way police forces operate in the US. In this blog post, we will explore the crucial role and key benefits of satellite-based communication in modern policing.

Police responding to disaster

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July 11, 2023

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