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How Satellite Technology Can Help First Responders With Disaster Relief
How VSAT and Go-anywhere Pro terminals can help promote First Responder safety and efficiency, during disaster recovery.
Tags: First Responders, Inmarsat / Viasat, Portable Satellite, Viasat, VSAT
May 12, 2022
Empowering Utility Providers to Better Align With Consumer Priorities
Survey shows 46% of consumers state ‘greater confidence to limit outages’ as a potential reason to switch Utility providers.
Tags: Utilities & Renewables
April 19, 2022
Secure data transmission: the key to unlocking Utilities’ operational success?
The key to operational success in Utilities is to collect accurate, real-time data throughout the supply chain. But data collection is increasingly fraught with risk as cyber-criminals target infrastructure. Our latest eBook explores the challenge and the options available to utilities companies.
Tags: Utilities & Renewables
April 12, 2022
Utilizing VSAT and BGAN to Achieve Broadband Internet
Facilitating operation connectivity in remote areas can be a real challenge for organizations. But there are two popular options for IP communications over satellite – VSAT and Inmarsat’s BGAN. Learn how they work, and their relative strengths and weaknesses in the delivery of broadband internet.
Tags: Inmarsat / Viasat, Viasat, VSAT
March 2, 2022
Powering Tomorrow: Challenges and Opportunities in Utilities
In this webinar, four experts in the field of IoT / M2M connectivity discussed the challenges Utilities and Renewables companies face over the next decade, from ageing infrastructure to cyber security to climate change.
Tags: IoT & M2M, Security & Defence, Utilities & Renewables
January 27, 2022
Lone worker safety: a snapshot of operations in North America
Survey reveals 19% of lone workers have struggled to get help after an accident. Learn how lone workers can remain safe and connected when out of cellular range.
Tags: Environmental, Oil & Gas, Security & Defence, Utilities & Renewables
January 25, 2022
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