Core Technology and Capabilities

Scroll through the layers of our IoT tech stack to see how we assemble solutions to solve any remote connectivity challenge.

Presentation Layer

Where humans interact with their remote things.

Usually, this is a third party platform utilized by our customers, which interprets their data in a meaningful way.

With detailed developer documentation and a lightweight API, we make it easy to extract actionable insights from your data by integrating with external platforms.

Key Features

  • GC Rings Icon Device-agnostic
  • GC Rings Icon Automatic formatting
  • GC Rings Icon Simplified store and forward
  • GC Rings Icon Integrated destinations
  • GC Rings Icon Build into your own platform
  • GC Rings Icon Interface or API
  • Data Security

    The Ground Control Delivery Network provides a truly secure connection to devices.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.

Data / Cloud

Cloud storage & processing of customer data.

Our tight integration with major cloud platforms, including Azure and AWS, allows for cloud-based storage and processing of customer data. You choose where and how data is consumed.

Cloudloop Data also functions as a stand-alone secure storage facility, allowing for the search and retrieval of messages.

Key Features

  • GC Rings Icon AWS SQS and S3 integration
  • GC Rings Icon Azure Service Bus
  • GC Rings Icon Azure Storage
  • GC Rings Icon Google Pub/Sub
  • GC Rings Icon Google Cloud Storage
  • GC Rings Icon Real-time visibility
  • Data Security

    The Ground Control Delivery Network provides a truly secure connection to devices.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.

API Layer

Well documented API by developers, for developers.

Our platform, Cloudloop, delivers subscription, data and device management, and data visualization. Everything you can do via the interface, you can do programmatically using our REST API.

With documentation for multiple languages, enjoy seamless integration with your existing workflows.

Key Features

  • GC Rings Icon IP delivery network
  • GC Rings Icon Packet inspection & filtering
  • GC Rings Icon Message ingestion (SBD, IMT)
  • GC Rings Icon Message decoding
  • GC Rings Icon Tracking protocols
  • GC Rings Icon Firewalls
  • Data Security

    The Ground Control Delivery Network provides a truly secure connection to devices.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.


Satellite first, network agnostic approach.

We specialize in very remote data transfer, and work with multiple satellite network operators to give our customers the best airtime service for their specific needs.

Where appropriate, devices can be enabled with hybrid cellular / satellite connectivity with lowest cost routing.

Key Features

  • GC Rings Icon Choice of network operators
  • GC Rings Icon Established partnerships
  • GC Rings Icon Hybrid satellite / cellular
  • GC Rings Icon Truly global coverage
  • GC Rings Icon Highly secure
  • GC Rings Icon Reliable and robust
  • Data Security

    The Ground Control Delivery Network provides a truly secure connection to devices.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.

Edge WAN Terminal

Choosing the right device from in-house and third party hardware.

We design and build our own terminals, such as the RockREMOTE and RockBLOCK, at our UK-based manufacturing center.

Which device is best for you will depend on multiple factors, including location, mobility, power and volume of data. So we also work with trusted third parties such as Cobham and Hughes to ensure our customers get the right terminal for their application.

Key Features

  • GC Rings Icon Design & build own hardware
  • GC Rings Icon Trusted third party devices
  • GC Rings Icon Customized solutions
  • GC Rings Icon IP or message-based
  • GC Rings Icon Supporting IoT and tracking
  • Data Security

    The Ground Control Delivery Network provides a truly secure connection to devices.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.

Edge Processing

Optimizing your data for economy and efficiency.

Transmitting data over satellite is usually more expensive than sending it over a terrestrial network, so optimizing your transmissions is helpful to suppress costs.

We can integrate with gateways that feature edge processing capabilities, or many of our terminals offer hosted applications themselves.

Data Optimization

  • GC Rings Icon Report by exception
  • GC Rings Icon Data compression
  • GC Rings Icon Encryption
  • GC Rings Icon Data transformation
  • GC Rings Icon Logging
  • GC Rings Icon AI image recognition
  • Data Security

    The Ground Control Delivery Network provides a truly secure connection to devices.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.

Sensor Connectors

How sensors communicate with the gateway device (and each other).

When we’re designing a solution for customers, knowing how your sensors communicate influences which Edge WAN terminal will be most suited to your application.

From Serial UART to Ethernet LAN, Bluetooth to Digital IO, MODBUS to LoRaWAN, our solutions are interoperable with your existing infrastructure.

Key Features

  • GC Rings Icon Wide compatibility
  • GC Rings Icon Legacy infrastructure support
  • GC Rings Icon Wired/wireless connectivity
  • GC Rings Icon Easy pairing with LoRaWAN
  • Data Security

    The Ground Control Delivery Network provides a truly secure connection to devices.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.

Sensors & Actuators

Where 'things' interact with the physical world.

These are often, but not always, third party devices, the data from which Ground Control optimizes, secures, transmits and interprets.

From digital inputs (switches) to meteorological measurements, human biometrics to warning sirens, the applications leveraging satellite IoT connectivity are immense.

Data Inputs

  • GC Rings Icon Tank/fluid level measurement
  • GC Rings Icon Engine management systems
  • GC Rings Icon Cameras / microphones
  • GC Rings Icon Flow valves
  • GC Rings Icon Digital inputs (e.g. switches)
  • GC Rings Icon Weather measurements
  • Data Security

    The Ground Control Delivery Network provides a truly secure connection to devices.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.

  • Data Security

    We carefully consider the end-to-end encryption and security requirements of the whole application.

  • Power Management

    Our solutions are optimally designed for their environment. No power? No problem.

  • Gateway

    All of these functions can be managed by a single device; or separated, as preferred.

In Summary

Presentation layer icon

Presentation Layer

With detailed developer documentation and a lightweight API, we make it easy to extract actionable insights from your data by integrating with external platforms.

Data / cloud icon

Data / Cloud

We have tight integration with all major cloud platforms, including Azure and AWS, allowing for cloud-based storage and processing of customer data.

API layer icon

API Layer

Everything you can do within the Cloudloop interface – subscription, device and data management, plus data visualization – is available as a simplified programmable API.

Connectivity layer icon


We work with multiple satellite network operators to ensure our customers get the best airtime service for your needs. We also provide hybrid satellite / cellular coverage.

Edge WAN Terminal Layer Icon

Edge WAN Terminal

Your chosen device will depend on your location, mobility, data throughput, power requirements and other considerations. We ensure you get the best choice.

Edge Processing Layer Icon

Edge Processing

Our terminals easily integrate with sensor gateways that feature edge processing capabilities. Equally, many of our terminals offer hosted applications themselves.

Sensor Connectors Layer Icon

Sensor Connectors

From Serial UART to Ethernet LAN, Bluetooth to Digital IO, MODBUS to LoRaWAN, our solutions are interoperable with your existing infrastructure.

Sensors and Actuators Layer Icon

Sensors & Actuators

These are usually third party devices, the data from which Ground Control optimizes, secures, transmits and interprets. Wherever your sensors are, we can connect them.