For Fixed and Mobile Satellite Systems
Use ANY video conferencing software or hardware solution over our iDirect satellite network. When a video conferencing session starts, it opens an unshared bi-directional 384Kbps full speed pipe over the satellite link, ideal for quality voice and video from any location in North America.
- Our iDirect Network has a “bit error rate” better than 10-9, which is defined as a clear channel and perfect for video conferencing
- Video conferencing data is transferred over an unshared channel, making the speeds predictable and video and voice dropouts almost non-existent. CIR (committed information rate) is 1:1, or unshared and bi-directional
- Our network latency is one of the lowest in the satellite industry (500-650 milliseconds), making the delay between conversing parties virtually unnoticeable.
Starting Video Conferencing Service with Ground Control
Step 1. Have A Standard iDirect Service Plan
Video conferencing on-demand service is an additional service used with any of our North American iDirect service plans. These plans work with any mobile or fixed satellite system with a .98 dish or larger.
Step 2. Choose A Prepaid VC Service Plan
There are three service plans available below, ranging from 900 to 3000 prepaid minutes for 384 Kbps video conferencing on-demand.
Step 3. System Configuration
Ground Control will configure the satellite link to recognize a video conferencing session started on a unique IP address. We’ll also show you how to best configure your chosen video conferencing solution to work with the 384 Kbps stream.
Step 4. Start a Video Conferencing Session
Use any video conferencing hardware or software solution and initiate an on-demand video conference (session activation is automatic and transparent).
PrePaid Plans (North America)
- VC (Video Conferencing) plans must be used within 12 months of service activation
- Billing begins when VC session starts, and is charged per minute of use until session ends
- Daily or Monthly usage reports are available by contacting
- Service is to be used in conjunction with any 12 month Ground Control North America iDirect plan
- Video Conferencing sessions DO NOT add to the monthly transfer allowances of standard service plans!
- The 384 Kbps channel is unshared, bi-directional, and fully dedicated to the VC session while active
- Speeds are guaranteed for the satellite link only
- The terrestrial network and destination of any data session is not under our control, and is not guaranteed
- VC Plans require a Public (Static) IP address VC equipment (on satellite side)
- Additional PrePaid Plans can be easily added before end of 12 month term.
CIR (Committed Information Rate) Defined
We define CIR as the space segment of your connection that’s not shared with others on the network, so it always transfers guaranteed speeds 100% of the time. Service reflects guaranteed speed to the terrestrial network, and speeds may be affected both by the path of the public internet and the host on the other end communicating with the satellite site.
Since a 1:1 CIR channel isn’t shared, it’s typically more expensive than a shared service. Some companies use the term CIR loosely in describing shared plans. However, if a channel is shared, then obviously full speed can’t be guaranteed.
QoS (Quality of Service) Defined
QoS is a term used to show some applications (or users) are more critical than others on the local network. For video conferencing, Ground Control prioritizes the VC traffic over the local iDirect gateway, granting it preferential treatment over almost all other traffic.
Traditionally, the concept of quality in networks meant that all network traffic was treated equally. The result was that all network traffic received the local network’s best effort, with no guarantees for reliability, delay, variation in delay, or other performance characteristics. With best-effort delivery service, however, a single bandwidth-intensive application can result in poor or unacceptable performance for all applications.
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We have over 20 years' experience in delivering satellite internet solutions to media organizations, government agencies, individuals and businesses, so you're in safe hands.